What Is A "Bunded Area"?

Bunded Area
A bund is an impervious embankment typically used around an area that stores or uses liquids so that spills are contained within the area – therefore a “bunded area”.
Bunds should be used at any location where spills are common including transfer points, workshops, factories, service stations, buildings or pieces of machinery, wash bays and other areas in which a liquid is transferred from its container.
The bund is designed to contain spillages and leaks from liquids used, stored or processed above-ground, and to facilitate clean-up operations.
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How To Clean Heavy Equipment

Most Civil Construction contractors have a range of heavy equipment from bulldozers to trucks to cranes. Construction sites are generally full of dirt so all working vehicles, whether they are tracked or wheeled pick up a lot of earth & soil.
Effective cleaning is important since too much solids can foul the equipment and shut down work on the project. Work stoppage in one area can cascade through the site causing ongoing delays. 
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Why Maintain My Washbay?

Ensure you enter into a maintenance agreement for servicing of your washbay water treatment equipment. Not only is this in accordance with regulations, Oil Separators become progressively less efficient

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